청주대학교 산학협력정보시스템


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노희정 교수
  • 소속비즈니스대학 호텔외식경영학과
  • 이메일hjlho@cju.ac.kr


1 서비스산업의 공유경제 연구
2 챗봇과 소비자 행동 연구
3 CBDC와 소비자 행동 연구


논문제목 학술지명 발간연도
The sharing economy in the hospitality sector: The role of social interaction, social presence, and reciprocity in eliciting satisfaction and continuance behavior Humanities and social sciences communications 2022
Halal Food Performance and Its Influence on Patron Retention Process at Tourism Destination International journal of environmental research and public health 2021
Consumer protective behaviors at wellbeing tourism destinations: the function of norm activation model and reasoned action theory Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 2023
Sustainable transformation agenda for enhanced global food and nutrition security: a narrative review Frontiers in Nutrition 2023
Social ripple: Unraveling the impact of customer relationship management via social media on consumer emotions and behavior. Social Behavior and Personality 2023

산학협력 희망분야

사업화 가능분야 지속가능 경영 관련 사업