청주대학교 산학협력정보시스템


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이석준 교수
  • 소속보건의료과학대학 임상병리학과
  • 연락처043-229-7966
  • 이메일juna332@daum.net


1 천연물의 in vitro 평가
2 비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력
3 진단검사분야의 이미징 연구

프로젝트 수행실적

연구과제명 지원기관 연구기간
Human PBMC를 활용한 면역항암증진 이중표적항체치료 후보물질의 in vitro potency 평가 ㈜파멥신 2022.11.01. ~ 2023.12.01.
면역관문 억제 항체치료제의 human PBMC 이식 종양동물모델에서의 유효성 평가 시험을 위한 혈액공급 ㈜파멥신 2018.04.01. ~ 2022.11.01.
면역체크포인트 VISTA 항체의 in vitro 또는 in vivo 시험을 위한 혈액공급 ㈜파멥신 2017.08.01. ~ 2018.03.01.


논문제목 학술지명 발간연도
Performance Comparison Between Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-based IR Biotyper and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Strain Diversity ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE 2023
Downregulation of ADAMTS3 Suppresses Stemness and Tumorigenicity in Glioma Stem Cell CNS NEUROSCIENCE & THERAPEUTICS 2023
Sprouty 1 is associated with stemness and cancer progression in glioblastoma IBRO Neuroscience Reports 2023
7β-22 Dihydroxyhopane, Isolated from the Sub-Antarctic Lichen, Inhibits the Viability and Stemness in Glioma Stem Like Cells ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY 2022
Automatic analysis system for abnormal red blood cells in peripheral blood smears Microscopy research and technique 2022
Analysis of type I osteoporosis animal models using synchrotron radiation MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE 2022
Analysis of type I osteoporosis animal models using synchrotron radiation CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS 2022
Three-dimensional structure analysis of mouse nails using synchrotron radiation MICROSCOPY 2021
Elevated RGMA Expression Predicts Poor Prognosis in Patients with Glioblastoma ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY 2021
Inhibitory effects of Porphyra dentata extract on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
Synchrotron radiation imaging analysis of neural damage in mouse soleus muscle SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020

산학협력 희망분야

사업화 가능분야 천연물의 in vitro 평가
비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력
산학협력 희망분야 천연물의 in vitro 평가
비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력