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- 소속보건의료과학대학 임상병리학과
- 연락처043-229-7966
- 이메일juna332@daum.net
1 | 천연물의 in vitro 평가 |
2 | 비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력 |
3 | 진단검사분야의 이미징 연구 |
프로젝트 수행실적
연구과제명 | 지원기관 | 연구기간 |
Human PBMC를 활용한 면역항암증진 이중표적항체치료 후보물질의 in vitro potency 평가 | ㈜파멥신 | 2022.11.01. ~ 2023.12.01. |
면역관문 억제 항체치료제의 human PBMC 이식 종양동물모델에서의 유효성 평가 시험을 위한 혈액공급 | ㈜파멥신 | 2018.04.01. ~ 2022.11.01. |
면역체크포인트 VISTA 항체의 in vitro 또는 in vivo 시험을 위한 혈액공급 | ㈜파멥신 | 2017.08.01. ~ 2018.03.01. |
논문제목 | 학술지명 | 발간연도 |
Performance Comparison Between Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-based IR Biotyper and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Strain Diversity | ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE | 2023 |
Downregulation of ADAMTS3 Suppresses Stemness and Tumorigenicity in Glioma Stem Cell | CNS NEUROSCIENCE & THERAPEUTICS | 2023 |
Sprouty 1 is associated with stemness and cancer progression in glioblastoma | IBRO Neuroscience Reports | 2023 |
7β-22 Dihydroxyhopane, Isolated from the Sub-Antarctic Lichen, Inhibits the Viability and Stemness in Glioma Stem Like Cells | ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY | 2022 |
Automatic analysis system for abnormal red blood cells in peripheral blood smears | Microscopy research and technique | 2022 |
Analysis of type I osteoporosis animal models using synchrotron radiation | MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE | 2022 |
Analysis of type I osteoporosis animal models using synchrotron radiation | CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS | 2022 |
Three-dimensional structure analysis of mouse nails using synchrotron radiation | MICROSCOPY | 2021 |
Elevated RGMA Expression Predicts Poor Prognosis in Patients with Glioblastoma | ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY | 2021 |
Inhibitory effects of Porphyra dentata extract on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation | JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 2020 |
Synchrotron radiation imaging analysis of neural damage in mouse soleus muscle | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2020 |
산학협력 희망분야
사업화 가능분야 | 천연물의 in vitro 평가비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력 |
산학협력 희망분야 | 천연물의 in vitro 평가비임상실험을 위한 in vitro 협력 |